Monthly Archives: April 2019

Russian High Tech Firm to Create First Orbital Washing Machine

In this modern fast paced world we live in it is often hard to keep up with all the new technology and the latest in appliances. Each time you need to purchase a new washer or dryer you find that they are much improved and certainly far different than they were a generation ago. Have…
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How to Attract New Customers to Your Laundromat

In generations past attracting customers to your laundromat was not all that hard. A nice, clean environment and working washers and dryers were about all you needed. In this more modern time however, it is much more competitive and small business owners must work harder to stay ahead of the competition. Many people are willing…
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Benefits of Mobile Payments

If you’re unsure about mobile payments, we have a list of benefits for you. You may have never offered this before at your laundromat but it’s important to consider doing so. It’s a great way to set yourself apart from other laundromats in the area and offer an advantage to your customers. If you're one…
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The Pros and Cons of a Cash Only Laundromat

In today’s fast paced technology driven world small business owners are faced with making some decisions when it comes to payment forms. In times past cash was the most commonly accepted and used payment form followed by checks. This new generation of young adults operates mostly with a debit or credit card. Many do not…
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