Monthly Archives: January 2018

Differentiating Your Laundry Business

Setting your laundromat apart from the competition can be challenging. Having the latest equipment in your laundromat can help draw in customers. Offering great loyalty rewards and complimentary services like Wi-Fi can keep them coming back. The big question is how to catch their eye initially and make your customers feel so welcome they want to come back to…
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What Are Flatwork Ironers? continued

Welcome back! We are here to talk more about flatwork iorners. They're a great addition to your hotel, spa, or other business where large items must be ironed to get the wrinkles out. You'll find more information in our previous blog so be sure to head over there if you missed it! The Best Continental…
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Getting In and Out of the Laundromat Quicker

While no one enjoys doing laundry, there are ways to make it less of a chore once you get to the laundromat. With proper planning, your trip to the laundromat can be less of a chore. Here are some of our best tips for your next trip to the laundromat. When you need to buy…
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Setting Up Free WiFi for Laundromat Customers, continued

Welcome back to our continuing series on adding Wi-Fi to your laundromat. In our previous post, we began discussing the importance of offering Wi-Fi in your laundromat. Today, we're back with more information for you. According to a recent research study, more than 77% of American adults have a smartphone that they can use to access…
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