2019 Marketing Trends That Will Benefit Your Laundromat

Commercial washer in Asheville The new year is here and many laundromat owners are looking for ways to improve their business. Knowing which trends to pay attention to can be confusing. With a strong start in 2019 at stake, here are some of the marketing trends we recommend vended laundry owners not overlook. Need to buy a commercial washer in Asheville? T & L can help you. Call today.

Make a Video
Did you know that one-third of all traffic on the internet is used by marketers to help brands grow? One of the tried and true ways to boost your digital marketing presence is video. This content is both engaging and eye catching. Creating a video that shows off the features of your laundromat can help attract potential customers and help them feel more at ease. Filming a short video about what makes your laundry different is as easy as using your smartphone and some online video editing software. You can upload this video to your website and all of your social media channels.

Utilize Chatbots
Almost 60% of the people who will land on your website are willing to chat with someone about why they are on your site. Using a chatbot can help ensure that someone is there to answer customer questions, even after hours. Chatbots can help customers with frequently asked questions, resolve common issues, and pay for or schedule services. Chatbots also enable your customers and potential customers to leave messages for you or your staff or alert you to urgent issues. Though this form of marketing is relatively new, more and more businesses are using these automated bots to reduce their cost per lead significantly. There are many services and platforms out there that offer this service with zero coding needed and at a very low monthly fee.

Mobile Everything
From scheduling wash, dry, fold or pick up online to paying for vended machines through an app on their smartphone, customers love the convenience of mobile technology. With more and more consumers moving away from carrying cash and relying on credit or debit cards or cashless pay systems to pay for goods and services, smart laundromat owners know that now is the best time to enable mobile payment options in their laundromats. A new line of equipment from Speed Queen has the touchless pay technology already built in. Mobile technology isn't just useful for paying for services. With nearly everyone carrying a phone that is capable of text messaging, mobile devices have now become a way to market to your customers. Using mass text messaging software, you can now offer customers discounts, alert them to specials, and send promotional texts to help generate business and improve customer loyalty.

For more 2019 laundromat marketing trends, see our next post.

Buy a Commercial Washer in Asheville

T & L Laundry Equipment has been the area's vended laundry equipment leader for more than 40 years, especially when you need to buy a commercial washer in Asheville. Our industry experience and a wide variety of equipment available makes us a laundromat owner's best resource for the latest industry trends, exceptional service, and genuine manufacturers' parts. Call or come by the showroom today and learn more about how T & L Laundry Equipment can help you improve your business in 2019.

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