More Commercial Laundry Tips for OPL Hotels

Commercial Dryer in Greenville, SCWelcome back to the conclusion of our series on on-premise laundry (OPL) tips. In our other post, we shared why choosing quality linens and equipment are the cornerstone of your OPL. Our expert staff has compiled even more tips for you to consider as you set up or run your laundry onsite. For the best prices on hotel washers or a commercial dryer in Greenville, SC, call T & L Laundry Equipment today!

Here are some more tips for running your OPL:

  • Think Energy Efficient - The machines you put in your laundry room are an investment. Choosing machines made by a company with a reputation for quality is a great start, but picking machines that are made by a quality manufacturer and have an excellent energy efficiency rating are the key to outfitting an OPL that not only delivers an impeccable clean but doesn't break your utility budget.
    • Washing Machines - Choose a machine that has multiple spin speeds or offers water extraction technology. This technology helps your dryers run less, saving you money.
    • Dryers - Overdrying your linens damages the fibers and makes them breakdown more quickly. Instead, opt for a dryer that has moisture sensors that will turn off the heat and tumble your linens to avoid wrinkles.
  • Pay Attention to Your Water - Hard water breaks down the fibers in your linens. Help them last longer by installing a water softener or choosing to add a water conditioning additive to the wash cycle.
  • Train Your Staff Well - Teach your housekeeping staff how to use the machines correctly to get the desired results for your linens and to ensure that they are using the proper settings on both the washers and the dryers. Also, cover things like overfilling equipment, stain treating and how to store linens properly.
  • Select Non-Toxic Detergents - Being more eco-friendly doesn't mean that your linens aren't clean. Non-toxic detergents have become popular not only because they are good for the environment, but because they also offer a superior clean without harsh chemicals and fragrances.

Setting up and managing your OPL is a big undertaking. One of the most common misconceptions about the OPL at hotels is that it's just another branch of housekeeping. Successful hoteliers know that the OPL is the heart of the hotel. No clean linens means unhappy guests and miserable staff. By choosing to use higher quality machines, linens and detergents you are not only setting your guests up for a great experience at your property you are also helping your staff run a more efficient, effective laundry.

On-Premise Washer or Commercial Dryer in Greenville, SC

Confused about starting your on-premise laundry? Need to have your current laundry setup evaluated? Want an affordable washer or commercial dryer in Greenville, SC? Give the professional staff at T & L Laundry Equipment a call today! For more than 40 years we have been the area's go to resource for industry information for both commercial and coin-op laundry customers. We proudly offer in-house financing and conduct complimentary site visits for all our customers. Schedule your appointment with one of our expert staff today!


1 Response

  1. Thanks for informing me that the key to having an on-premise laundry (OPL) that won't break my utility budget is by buying OPL commercial washing machines that are energy-efficient. My mom is planning to start an OPL business in our town, and I'm helping her by buying a couple of washing machines for her business. I'll take your tip and look for ones int the market that are energy-efficient so my mom can earn higher revenues. Thanks for this!

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