Identifying Unsanitary Laundromats

Maytag Dealers in Charleston, SC

In most cases, laundromats are places where people who do not have anywhere else to wash their clothes go. Whether they are on vacation, in-between machines or do not even have these facilities at their disposal at home, they have to visit a laundromat. In some cases people use laundromats to wash the things that they cannot wash at their own home - like large comforters. This can cause the machines to be contaminated with debris and other residual dirt that needs to be cleaned and disposed of properly. If the laundromat attendant and owner do not care about the cleanliness of the business it can be clear when you check a few key items around the facility.

Our experts at T & L Laundry Equipment have compiled a list of things you should check before you empty that clothes basket into a machine. Still searching for commercial Maytag dealers in Charleston, SC? Stop wasting time and call the best Speed Queen and Continental dealers in North Carolina. Call us today at T & L for big savings.

Identifying Unsanitary Laundromat Conditions

Check the floors and tables

Is there water on the floors that you can tell has been there for a few days or is the floor just dirty and disgusting? The floors should be washed daily as there are many feet coming through the doors. Also check in corners and see if there is debris and dirt in spots that can attract bugs or rodents to the area. That is definitely not a place where your clothes will come out clean and fresh. The sorting tables are another place where you can tell the general upkeep of the establishment. If there is food lying around, candy wrappers or even water and detergents spilled on the counters it shows the attendant is not paying attention to the cleanliness of the facility. Also pay attention to where clients sort their clean and dirty clothes. You do not want to place your clean items where someone just sorted clothes covered in bed bugs.

Inspect the dryers and washing machines

Junk, lint and other strange items can be left in the machines after people wash their clothes. Check the seals to make sure there is no black dirt stuck in the corners. With dryers check the drum seal if there are large amounts of lint buildup. If so, it is probable that the machine has not been cleaned in a while. Also check the drum itself for hair, pens, ink marks, gum, crayons and nails. Inspect the detergent dispensers and make sure there is no buildup of old detergents. Laundry attendants should be wiping out dryers and washers, scrubbing the doors and disinfecting them after each day of service. If the laundromat is open 24 hours a day it should be done consistently throughout the day. Having clear rules and regulations for customers and having employees who will enforce them will help keep the equipment clean and sanitary.

The overall scent of the laundromat

A clean laundromat should smell of laundry detergent, fabric softener and bleach, an aroma that is pleasant and comforting to many people. There should be no underlying foul smell in the air of dirty standing water or any other unpleasant odors. These are usually a good sign that the areas have not been cleaned in a while or that there are unattended issues in the laundromat. Checking for ample light in the area is also a good way to be sure they are not trying to hide the lack of cleanliness behind dark spots in the laundromat.

Clean restrooms

Looking at the bathroom is a great way to see if the attendants are keeping up a sanitary standard within the laundromat . A dirty bathroom covered in paper, water and other unsanitary items will make people feel like the business is dirty. This is also breeding grounds for extra bacteria and germs. Most customers report that a dirty bathroom is something they consider heavily when they decide whether to visit an establishment again.

When it comes to spotting the cleanliness of your local laundromat let your eyes and nose tell you what's clean and fresh and what's not.

Stop Searching for Maytag Dealers in Charleston, SC!

Ready to buy new commercial washers and dryers? Do you have an interest in opening a new laundromat location? Let us help with your plans so that you can choose the right commercial washers and dryers for your business’s needs. We serve industries such as healthcare, hospitality, correctional facilities, fire departments, fitness centers, hair salons and food service as well as laundromat owners. We're not Maytag dealers in Charleston, SC, but we are the top Speed Queen and Continental dealers in North Carolina. So call T & L today and start saving time and money.

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