Should I Install Arcade Games in My Laundromat?

Electrolux Dealers NC

As a laundromat owner, you know that having the latest models of washers and dryers will keep your customers coming back for an affordable clean for their clothes. Did you know that added value items in your laundromat can make your customers even more loyal to your facility? Adding profit centers like arcade games, vending machines or pool tables to your coin-op can bring in an additional 15 to 20 percent revenue each month per a Planet Laundry Magazine study. T & L Laundry Equipment knows that you are always looking to add value for your customers and create additional revenue streams inside your existing business. Our customers have tried various strategies over the years, and we have compiled a list of our favorite add-on features for your laundromat.

If your facility is ready for an update, make T & L your first call. Even though we do not offer Electrolux dealers NC services, we proudly offer a wide range of products for your coin-op, including seating, laundry carts, ergonomic folding tables and the latest in Energy Star rated washers and dryers. T & L offers in-house financing and can even help you plan the layout of your facility. Whether this is your first laundromat or an addition to your franchise, we can help!

Before you decide to add additional features to your laundromat it is important to ask yourself a few key questions about the services you are looking to add:

  1. How much can I afford to spend upfront?
  2. Do I want to manage this profit center or contract it out?
  3. How much space do I have available?

Once you have answered these questions you can choose the type of offering you wish to add to your laundromat. Here are our favorite additions:

  • ATM – An automated teller machine makes your customers's lives easier and can net you some good revenue each month. This is a great option for those facilities that only have a small number of credit card compatible machines or are still cash only. The average cost of a standalone ATM machine is around $2,500. The ATM requires a small access fee from the ATM company, an internet connection and must be kept stocked. Most locations stock between $4,000 and $6,000 in their machines. As the owner of the machine, you receive 100 percent of ATM fees. These fees can vary from $1.75 to $4.00 per transaction. This is a great source of revenue that requires little space in your facility.
  • Children’s Rides and Arcade Games – These have great customer appeal, especially to parents and caregivers who are looking to entertain children while they wash. This is not only a great revenue source but also creates a connection between your customers and your store. Kids will ask to ride the pony, firetruck, or car often, so parents and caregivers will keep coming back to get them their ride.
  • Pool Table – While space limitations exist for this option, it is a proven source of revenue and can be a big draw for customers. Planet Laundry Magazine estimates that the average pool table will generate between $150 and $200 per week in extra revenue.
  • Food and Drink Vending – While the upfront cost for these machines can be a little steep, between $500 to $4,000, the return on these machines is quite profitable. It is estimated that after the cost of snacks and beverages to fill these machines most owners make between 80 and 95 percent profit monthly. The cost to operate these machines can vary depending on whether or not you hire a vending company to manage them for you.

Searching for Electrolux Dealers NC? Consider Speed Queen and Continental First!

If you want to buy equipment for a new facility or replace your old commercial washers and dryers, call T & L Laundry Equipment. We're not Electrolux dealers NC, but we are the top Speed Queen and Continental dealers. We’ve been around for 40 years, so we can give you valuable advice on the best equipment for your laundromat. We know that purchasing industrial dryers and commercial washers in North Carolina is no small investment, so were are here to make it easier. Make the choice to partner with T & L so you can have access to the best commercial laundry equipment on the market.

1 Response

  1. I love the idea of putting arcade games in laundromats so that the kids have something to do while the parents wait for their laundry. Parents would love this because it allows them to be kid-free for a couple of minutes while they sort the laundry. I appreciate you mentioning the idea of putting arcade games in laundromats because I believe it will function wonderfully.

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