Why Location Is Important for Your Laundromat

Commercial Coin Operated Laundry Equipment in Greensboro, NCWelcome back to our series on choosing the right location for your laundromat. In our previous post, we highlighted some of the things that you should consider about a potential location for your coin-op. Ease of access, parking, proximity to other businesses and the right type of building are all important, but it's really all about location, location, location. Knowing where to put your laundromat is crucial to its success, so how do you decide where to put your facility? How do you even begin to decide what part of town to look in? Which shopping centers make the most sense? The laundry pros at T & L Laundry equipment have compiled a list of the things to consider when it comes to selecting the right location for your coin-op.

  1. Identify who your customers are. Knowing what type of people need and use laundromats is key to knowing where to put your facility. Putting your laundromat in the suburbs where everyone has a washer and dryer may not be the best option. However, putting your laundry near a college campus or in a section of town where the majority of residences are apartment buildings is a solid choice. While college students may not have much money, everyone needs clean clothes. Apartment living can mean no laundry room access or frequently contending with broken machines. Identifying your laundromat's demographic will help you determine where you should put your business to make it readily available to those who need your service.
  2. Choose based on ease of access. No one wants to get stuck waiting forever to make a turn out of your parking lot or cruising back and forth hoping to score a space. Those factors alone are enough to make customers choose a different business. When choosing a location, opt for one that has easy in and out access or multiple access points. Considering offering wash, dry, fold service? Those customers want to be in and out quickly, so choosing a location that's readily accessible will help boost your clients' impression of convenience.
  3. Use other businesses to promote your own. Everyone has a list of errands they run often. Whether it's to the post office, the grocery store, or to pick up kids from school, those chores need to get done. Ensuring that your laundromat is located near other necessity businesses or locations means that people will see your business and use your business. Look for businesses like nail salons or restaurants that draw in regular clientele.
  4. Know where your competition is. Avoid choosing a location that is right on top of your competition. You may be serving the same area or the same demographics, but that's no reason to land on their doorstep. Instead, look at their location and find weaknesses that you can use to select a better location for your business. Maybe their location is hard to access or lacks parking. Keep those things in mind as you search for your own place.
  5. Consider crime statistics. Many business owners fail to realize that one of the biggest factors in the insurance cost for their business is the location of the business itself. A portion of the expense of your business' general liability coverage is directly related to the amount of crime in the area in which your business is located.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the location for your business. Want to know more about choosing the right location, layout and equipment for your laundromat? Keep reading.

Commercial Coin Operated Laundry Equipment in Greensboro, NC | T & L

T & L Equipment Company is here to help you with find the best location and equipment possible for your laundromat. Call us today so we can help you build a new laundry business or facility with top quality Speed Queen and Continental equipment, or replace your old washers and dryers with newer units that are durable and energy efficient. We know that investing in commercial laundry equipment is no small project, so were are here to make it easier. Make the choice to partner with us so you can have access to the best commercial coin operated laundry equipment in Greensboro, NC.

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