Marketing Your Home Based Commercial Laundry Business

Laundry equipment in Greenville, SCWhether you are a stay at home mom, a retired person, or just looking to make a little extra income on the weekends, turning your home into a commercial laundry business can be quite profitable. With the increasing demands on their time, many working professionals have fewer hours in their week to devote to doing laundry or cleaning their homes. The demand for quality and affordable laundry services exists.

Here's what you need to know about opening up a laundry business in your home. If you're still in need of commercial washers and dryers, give us a call. We're the best dealers for laundry equipment in Greenville, SC and the surrounding areas.

  • Develop a business plan. It's important to understand what your business will need to bring in clients and for you to be able to provide this service to your customers. Depending on how many clients you anticipate having, you may need to consider having a commercial grade washer and dryer installed in your home. You will also need to consider how you will attract attention to your business and what kind of costs will be associated with marketing, supplies, and the proper licensing. Establish your pricing model and know what kind of promotions, if any, you can afford to give your customers.
  • Make a budget. One of the reasons that many new businesses fail is because they lack the money needed to get everything done the right way from the beginning. If you make your start-up budget and you just don't quite have enough money to begin now, wait. Adding the pressure of credit card debt to the beginning of a business adds to entrepreneurial burnout.
  • Get the word out. Buy a domain name and create a simple web page for your business. This will help you look more established to potential clients. Don't overlook creating a business page on Facebook either. These local business pages can help drive clients to you. Many people search on social media just like they do Google when it comes time to find a local service provider. Keep your social media account up to date with periodic updates, photos, or monthly promotions.
  • Talk up your business. Many of the people who are struggling to get their laundry done are parents or working professionals. Maybe they have recently had surgery and are unable to lift or bend. No matter where you go, find ways to talk about what you do and the services you offer. Keep business cards with you and don't be afraid to leave them on bulletin boards in coffee shops, day cares, gyms, senior centers, at church, or anywhere else you frequent.
  • Provide exceptional service. While it may seem like what you are doing is providing a simple service, you are actually providing a service that will thrive on the referrals of your customers. As your business grows, maintaining those customer relationships will be essential to the longevity of your business. Go above and beyond for your regular customers and consider instituting a rewards program to encourage them to continue using your services and promoting your business for you.

Affordable Laundry Equipment in Greenville, SC Is At T & L!

Call T & L Laundry Equipment if you want to use the latest technology to save your laundry business time, money and lots of hassle. All of our products are easy to use, reliable and offer several advantages for those who choose to trust T & L when searching for the easy to buy laundry equipment in Greenville, SC. Contact us for more information about the EVO boilers, water heaters and companion systems we have available to you!

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