More Promotional Ideas for Laundromats

Commercial Dryer in Greenville, SC

With such a warm response to our last post on promoting your laundromat, the staff here at T & L thought it would be a great idea to share more of our tips and tricks for promoting your laundromat. We have worked with hundreds of laundromat owners and have seen some things that work well when it comes to getting your business' name out into the community. In case you missed our original post it can be viewed here. If you're in need of a great price on your next vended washer or commercial dryer in Greenville, SC, call T & L today. You'll love our great service and prices!

When you are opening your brand new laundromat, consider hosting a grand opening event in your community. A fun contest with a nice prize will attract customers. Consider offering $50.00 in free washes or free drying time for a year to the mom who brings in the biggest mountain of laundry. Giving away coupons for free washes and hosting food trucks in the parking lot of your laundromat is a great way to bring traffic to your business and let people see that you are there. Host a grand opening special to entice customers to try your facility or your premium services. Either way, building your customer base is key when you open your doors for the first time.

Make your customers feel heard by asking them to take a simple survey. These surveys can be conducted via email and upon completion the customer should receive a promotion of some kind. Free washes are always popular but think outside the box. Maybe offer a free snack during their next visit or entice them to try your wash-dry-fold service by offering a discount. Surveys are a great way to get to know your customers and let them tell you what kinds of promotions or events will draw them to your business.

Sponsoring an annual charitable event in your space is a great way to attract customers. Serving as a drop off location for Coats for Kids or Toys for Tots gets customers in the door. Thank people for participating by offering a coupon for a future visit or service. Seasonal promotions like holiday linen laundering will attract your customers in during times when they may not normally use your facility. Offering to clean fire, police and rescue uniforms at no charge will attract the family and friends of these personnel to your business. Donating the abandoned clothing from your facility to the homeless several times a year makes for a great way to get local publicity in the newspaper. Make sure to put copies of any write-ups about your business in the laundromat so that your customers can see that you are invested in the community. People like to do business with businesses who give back.

Be constantly looking for ways to be involved in your community. Promotions do not have to be expensive or elaborate but what they do need to be is a straightforward way for you to promote your services to your customers and potential customers. They need to show customer appreciation while demonstrating the quality of the services that your customers receive. Whatever partnerships and charities you choose, make sure to include it on your advertising and promote the affiliation within the store. Your customers will love knowing that their business helps you give back to the community in some way.

Want more great ideas about how to promote your business? Talk with your T & L Laundry representative. Put our experience in the coin-op industry to work for your laundromat.

Call For An Affordable Industrial Washer & Commercial Dryer in Greenville, SC

If you're ready to open a new laundromat, or need help with an existing location, call T & L Laundry Equipment. We have several decades of experience and have helped hundreds of customers. We can help you plan, purchase and install right type of industrial sized washer or commercial dryer in Greenville, SC, or your area. We're proud to serve the Carolina's, so please call us today.

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