The Newest Tech for Laundromat Cashless Payments

Buy Coin Laundry Equipment in Raleigh, NCThe notification light on your phone blinks, you check your phone and see that your washing machine just texted you that your laundry is ready. Sound like science fiction? It's not! The vended laundry business has always been focused on providing a convenient service for its customers. Whether the convenience came from being able to do four loads of wash at once or being able to wash a king sized comforter, the vended laundry industry has continually found new ways to put their customers first. The latest wave in technology is helping laundromat owners across the nation make using the laundromat more convenient than ever before. If you're ready to buy coin laundry equipment in Raleigh, NC, then call T & L for big-time savings. We have the most technologically advanced commercial laundry equipment.

A new app by Card Concepts Inc. puts your whole laundromat in the palm of your customer's hand. Based on the company's FasCard system, the app on your customer's phone provides them with unimaginable convenience. The FasCard system accepts your customer's payment information and stores it for future use. Customers then load their virtual card with money to use in your laundromat. This feature allows your customers to add funds to their account quickly and easily. No need for bill changers or to hunt for the closest ATM to get cash! Customers have complete control and can add any value they wish to their account.

Once they have loaded funds to their account, customers can see machine availability, how much time remains on a machine's cycle and get notified when their wash or dry is complete. Your customers are no longer tied to your facility while waiting for their wash. This keeps your customers mobile and free to run other errands, grab a snack or spend time with family. The app also tracks customers' loyalty points as well. This is a great tool for business owners to track customer spending habits, facility use patterns and redemption history. This is all valuable information that allows you to tailor promotions and marketing towards your clientele.

Similar platforms enable users to reserve machines on their phones, share loyalty information on social media to gain referral bonuses, and top off dryer times before the end of the cycle. Owners can adjust pricing based on machine demand in real time. Giving your customers complete control from their smartphones increases the convenience of your business. Integrating mobile pay or tap to pay technology into your business increases customer satisfaction. Allowing your customers to pay the way they want makes their experience easier and faster. Want to learn more? See our previous posts on integrating mobile payment technology into your business.

Buy Coin Laundry Equipment in Raleigh, NC Today

Have questions about the latest technology available in the vended laundry industry? Want to know more about owning a vended laundry? T & L Laundry Equipment has more than 40 years experience in the commercial and vended laundry industries. Our staff is knowledgeable about the products and technology you need to keep your laundromat accessible to today's tech-savvy customers. We offer an extensive product lineup from the industry's best manufacturers like Speed Queen and Continental and products and accessories to outfit your entire location.

Whether you need one washer or a whole laundromat full of new equipment, let the professional staff at T & L Laundry Equipment show you why T & L customers are the happiest customers. Call or come by today to buy coin laundry equipment in Raleigh, NC!


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