Want to Own a Laundromat? Should You Start New, Buy Existing, or Franchise?

Dexter Dealers in South Carolina

Have you ever wanted to own your own business? Many people dream of being able to call the shots by being their own boss. If you have considered it then you may want to look into running a laundromat. A laundromat can be a good investment if you are interested in becoming a business owner or want to expand your property ownership. Laundromats can provide passive income when they are profitable. You can build a new business, buy an existing one or open a franchise, depending on the amount of money you have to invest and the type of business you want to own.

Here are a few reasons why owning a laundromat might be a good option for you:

    • You can generate passive income.


    • The business model is simple.


    • The hours are flexible.


  • You are providing a service to the community.

If you have decided you want to open a laundromat, you will have to choose whether to build a new one, buy one that is already open or buy a franchise. There are pros and cons for each option. In the next two posts, we are going to take a look at your options so you can determine what will work best for your situation.

Building a new laundromat

If you want to build a new laundromat, you will need a lot of money to invest in the building and equipment. The benefit is that you can choose where you want to locate the laundromat, which will play a part in how successful it will become. If you choose an area with lots of apartments or student housing, you are almost guaranteed a steady stream of customers.

You are also able to decide how you want it to look, and the layout. This can be a huge benefit if you want to appeal to people who want to go to a modern, high end laundromat rather than the outdated old laundromats that people tend to think of. You can create a new image that you can develop into a full-fledged brand for your laundromat.

You are also able to build a facility that it both functional and maximizes space. Some laundromats are put into strip malls or buildings that previously housed other types of businesses, so builders are limited in what they can do. When you build your own from the ground up, you are able to design something that meets your needs for function and design.

You can also purchase high quality equipment, which T & L Laundry Equipment specializes in. Choosing equipment that is known for durability will ensure that your investment will last for a long time. It also gives you the benefit of higher efficiency equipment that takes less money to operate, and can give your customers faster load processing.

Stay tuned for the next post when we will talk about the benefits of buying an existing laundromat. Then we will also talk about franchising, which is a great option for someone who needs guidance when it comes to development and marketing.

Also be sure to check out the other blogs in this series. They hold a great deal of information for anyone looking to buy a laundromat!

Need Dexter Dealers in South Carolina? Try Speed Queen Instead!

If you're searching for Dexter dealers in South Carolina, have you thought about what a great option Speed Queen laundry machines are? T &L Laundry Equipment can be the key factor in your success. We are a full service Speed Queen distributor for South Carolina and North Carolina providing investment opportunities, commercial laundry equipment, coin operated washers and dryers, parts, assistance in financing and a small business plan. We have helped people for 40 years, so you can be assured you will be working with professionals who know the industry inside and out. Call us today!

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