What Are Ozone Washing Systems?

Coin operated laundry equipment in Greensboro, NCAre you looking for a way to gently wash your linens? Recent laboratory tests revealed that linens washed in an ozone laundry system show just an eight percent decrease in tensile strength. In comparison, linens that were washed in a traditional hot water wash showed an alarming 37% decrease in tensile strength. With such a dramatic difference in linen wear, it is no wonder that many hotel and spa laundries are considering trading in their traditional hot water wash systems for an ozone laundry system. If you are searching to buy new or used coin operated laundry equipment in Greensboro, NC, call T & L today!

What is an ozone laundry system?
An ozone laundry system provides exceptional bacteria and virus killing action while bleaching your linens. Treating the water used in laundry operations with ozone helps reduce the amount of water used in hot water laundry systems. Ozone is formed when regular oxygen is put into contact with highly charged electrical energy. Ozone is then directly injected into laundry water to produce exceptional cleaning results.

What does ozone do for my linens?
Using an ozone laundry system instead of a traditional hot water wash system can reduce your linen replacement costs by more than 30%. Ozone is safe for use on both colored and white linens.

How do I maintain an ozone system?
Keeping the system regularly cleaned, free of lint and other debris, and dry are the biggest requirements for maintaining your ozone equipment. Laundry rooms can be a tough environment for ozone systems so be sure that your equipment is installed properly and that you have a local dealer who is certified to work on your system in the event you have an issue.

Is there a minimum establishment size for an ozone system?
Typically the larger your facility, the better the return on your investment. Properties with 100 to 200 beds are usually the smallest facilities that see the greatest payback.

Coin Operated Laundry Equipment in Greensboro, NC On Sale Now

Want to learn more about incorporating an ozone laundry system into your hotel or spa? Need to buy coin operated laundry equipment in Greensboro, NC? Give the laundry professionals at T & L Laundry Equipment a call. We can help you evaluate your business needs and decide if a traditional hot water system or an ozone system is right for you. Not ready to make the leap but need other products for your commercial or vended laundry business? T & L has the most complete selection of products in the area. From folding tables to seating to bill changers, we have the products you need to outfit your coin-op.

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