Promoting Your Laundromat to College Students

Commercial Dryer NC

If your laundromat is within walking distance of a college or university campus, dorms or student housing, we don’t need to tell you that college students are your target customer base. This demographic can be hard for businesses to tap because they have certain limitations - little extra money, often no cars, limited free time.

So, how do you attract this group of customers to your coin-op? The folks at T & L have compiled a list of tips to draw this crowd to your business.

How To Promote Your Laundromat to College Students

We all know that laundry isn't the most fun chore to do. Couple that with term papers to write or tests to study for and you can have a fairly blah weekend staring you in the face. The average college student isn't going to be excited about any of these activities and will probably try to avoid them for as long as possible. As a business owner, if you can make laundry seem less like a chore, you will bring in your target clientele.

Let students maximize the time they spend waiting for their clothes to wash and dry by designating a quiet study area. Comfortable seating with tables and WiFi access will allow students to study while they wash. Offering a separate quiet lounge will be a draw for some students who have trouble studying in noisy dorms or with washing machines humming away.

Make the trip to the laundromat more fun by installing arcade games. Whether you choose vintage classics or newer offerings this fun distraction will keep college kids in your facility - rather than dropping their clothes in the washer and walking out to get pizza. Keep them in your facility and have them pump quarters into your video games, your snack machine and your soda machine.

Spending a little extra money on your website and your social media marketing is a great way to attract the attention of these customers. Researchers have found that 98 percent of college students access the internet regularly - this may seem obvious but having a well done website with blogs and relevant keywords can help drive traffic to your business's web pages.

Hosting daily deals through the college's smart phone app or via a deal service, like Groupon, can be a great way to get new customers in the door. Convert them to repeat customers by offering amenities that are attractive to this group. Offering a student discount with their college ID or a loyalty program with big perks - free laundry soap, free dry time, bags with your logo on it - can bring these customers back time and time again.

Get involved in on campus activities. Sponsor a float in the homecoming parade or host a booth at the home sporting events. Having employees handing out coupons during move in week or running silly contests or games on the campus green to win prizes will get students to interact with your staff and get to know more about your business and what services you offer.

Most students on campus do not have vehicle access. Offering free pick up of their dirty laundry and transporting it to the laundromat for them can be a huge draw for students who may otherwise have trouble getting their heavy bags of laundry to the laundromat. Offer to deliver the clean clothes they have washed and folded themselves back to the dorms or housing for a small fee.

And lastly, consider your hours. Many students are busy with classes and activities during regular business hours, so being open 24 hours over the weekend may help draw students into your facility if they know they can do their wash when it's convenient for them.

For more ideas about promoting your laundromat to college students talk with your T & L Sales representative and be sure to read our next post.

Affordable Washer and Commercial Dryer NC Dealers | T & L Laundry Equipment

If you’re ready to talk with T & L about purchasing the best commercial washer and commercial dryer NC has to offer, contact us. We are here to help you with all your Continental Girbau and Speed Queen laundry equipment needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have about our commercial laundry equipment. We hope to work with you soon, to help you start saving time, money and energy with the best operated washers and dryers the market has to offer!

1 Response

  1. We have a college not too far from my laundromat and I’ve been looking for ideas to promote our services to the students. We offer free Wi-Fi but I like the idea of offering them specific discounts and maybe even the free pick up and delivery.

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