Can Solar Panels Help Your Laundromat?

Maytag Dealers in South CarolinaMost laundromat owners are all too aware that energy costs are rising. From finding ways to recycle water in their business to reducing energy costs through equipment upgrades, coin-ops are becoming more energy efficient each year. In the search for affordable and clean energy, many stores are looking up to the sun. Solar technology has vastly improved over the last five years, and these improvements in technology are making solar power more affordable, reliable, and accessible. Stop searching for Maytag dealers in South Carolina in 2018. Call T & L instead. We'll save you time and money.

Westchester, Pennsylvania may be the last place you'd expect to find solar technology, but at Pfister's Family Laundromat they are using the power of the sun to heat the water their customers use each day. Solar energy wasn't the first energy saving measure employed by the Pfister family to save their business money. Before the installation of the solar panels, the laundromat was outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment designed to reduce the laundromat's water usage. The Pfister Family Laundromat has been enjoying a lower overall cost of operation as a result of their solar installation.

Beach Solar Laundromat in Toronto, Ontario underwent major renovations in 2002 and 2003 in order to make its building, originally built in 1939, more environmentally sustainable. While the renovations attracted new customers and the laundromat saw a 160%  increase in revenue, the eight solar panels that they installed for heating water and powering building space heating have reduced energy consumption significantly. Electricity and natural gas consumption has decreased by 30%. The remainder of the laundromat's power comes from hydropower and wind.

Practicing green procedures in Portland, Maine, The Washboard Eco Laundry utilizes solar thermal energy to generate the majority of their hot water. In addition to using water and energy efficient equipment, The Washboard offers detergent and eco-friendly bleach alternative in bulk containers in their laundromat.

High-efficiency dryers and washers have saved the Tolt Laundry in Carnation, Washington 60% more water. Tolt uses a solar system to heat the water for the laundromat. Energy efficient lighting systems and lint collection systems make this business eco-friendly and attractive to customers throughout the neighborhood.

While the investment in solar panels and technology can be costly up front, many municipalities now offer discounts and incentives for businesses who want to use eco-friendly power sources. The savings generated by solar panels can last for decades. Power purchase agreements can be a way for cost-conscious laundromat owners to get clean solar energy for their businesses without the burden of upfront costs.

Best Option Besides Maytag Dealers in South Carolina

If you're looking for ways to make your laundromat more eco-friendly, ask your T & L Laundry Equipment representative for more information on the latest Energy Star rated washers and dryers from Speed Queen and Continental. For more than 40 years, T & L has helped connect laundromat owners with the newest information and trends in the vended laundry industry. Our passion for the business helps our customers be successful and stay ahead of the trends.

Are you ready to upgrade your laundromat? Looking to remodel and offer more eco-friendly options to your customers? We can help! Complimentary onsite visits can make redesigning your laundromat easy. Learn more about the full line of products and service we offer at T & L Laundry Equipment by visiting our showroom. Call or come by to schedule your consultation with our sales team today!

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