How to Be Successful in 2017

Commercial Dryer in Raleigh, NC

Are you hoping to be more successful in 2017? If so, it's going to take a lot of hard work and dedication. However, deciding at the beginning of the year to make a difference is a good idea. Everyone loves to set resolutions like losing weight or saving money, but what if you made a resolution to become more successful? Below, and throughout the next several blogs, you'll find tips that can help! If you need an industrial washer or commercial dryer in Raleigh, NC from T & L Laundry Equipment. Call us today for more information.

How to Be Successful in Business in 2017

Hyper-Focus on Goals

“Entrepreneurs will need to develop skills that allow them to hyper-focus on their priorities rather than reacting to all the overwhelming inputs,” says Jeff Bussgang, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and former entrepreneur turned venture capitalist. He also says to “Distill your annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly objectives to three bullets each on a single printed page which you put on your desk. Remind yourself of that page every day.”

Focusing on becoming successful and constantly reminding yourself of priorities and goals might sound like obvious advice. However, many people just wait for something fantastic to happen. They never use their skills to learn more and develop. They refuse to work harder than the next guy. This isn't how successful people are made. It takes hard work, dedication, long hours, weekends and hyper-focusing. 

Don't Mistake Activity for Productivity

In today's world, smart phones have taken over our lives. They're our phone line, phonebook, email access, and virtual encyclopedia to the world. Even more, computers and laptops are within reach all day at work. That means sneaking onto social media for a "break" or constantly checking emails can get in the way of real work. Many times, people complain about how much work has to be done in such a short amount of time. Those same people obsessively check Facebook, email or read all the latest news on their favorite news website. Consider cutting the time you spend doing these things down in 2017. Set goals throughout the day for getting as much work done as possible. Then, reward yourself with five minutes on Facebook or Pinterest. Don't even look at websites recreationally until you've reached your goal. You'll be amazed at how much more time you'll gain in a day. You'll also double your work productivity. Those who look busy don't always end up doing the most work.

To learn more about how to become successful in 2017 visit back with our next blog post. We will have more tips for you that can help you set goals and achieve greatness this year! 

Searching For An Affordable Industrial Washer And Commercial Dryer in Raleigh, NC For 2017?

Why not start 2017 off with a bang by equipping your laundromat with new equipment? It's a great way to upgrade your business as well as a stepping stone for a successful year!

If you are ready to start shopping for new equipment contact us! We have top load and front load coin operated washers, single load dryers, stack dryers, and stack washer/dryer combos. We can find something to work in your laundry room that will benefit your customers, save you money and make it profitable to have coin operated washers and dryers. Call T & L Equipment today so we can help you make a purchase. We have been in business for 40 years, so we are the experts when it comes to commercial laundry equipment.

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